Saturday, August 25, 2007

Kristin's Bridal Shower

Who can't use a candy bra??

Monday, August 13, 2007

My Little Entrepreneur

Take a little bit of ingenuity, add a tightwad and a whole lot of perseverance and you have Sophie planning front yard stands all summer long. Way back in October she started with a seed of an idea to do a lemonade stand. Then she started saving up candy to add to it. Then she decided, maybe people would be interested in browsing her extensive rock, shell, feather and pine cone collection. Perhaps she should display her artwork and sell them for 10 cents apiece. How about bouquets of flowers too? Maybe they'd be interested in a nice shoulder or foot massage as well...The idea morphed into such a grand undertaking, that I encouraged her to keep it simple and start small (although now I wish I'd let her go ahead with it just to have the pictures of her "Lemonade stand extravaganza!"). So, $8.43 and a good business lesson later, Sophie is wiser, more experienced and thinking about adding a puppet show next summer.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

The corn is as high as an elephant's eye!


This blog is intended to serve as a virtual home base for all Sorhus family members to post updates of their families, etc. I'm starting it as a blog for all of us, but if you want to branch off and create a separate one for your immediate family, that would be wonderful. We can add links to each other's pages. Hopefully this will just get y'all started! I'll email out the username and password and some simple directions so everyone can post. Hope to see updates for all of you!

P.S. If email performance is any indication, we won't see much from Jer and Jill (no offense guys, you know we love you anyway), so....who wants the privilege of updating for them?? I nominate Pook.