Monday, November 19, 2007

Helena's First Snow!!

It was a scramble to find hats, gloves, boots, and snow pants, but the first real snow of the year has the kids bundled up and making snow angels (notice it is angels, and not angles). It also has the hot chocolate flowing. Speaking of which, Mom, I still need that recipe. Thanks.


Anonymous said...

Fun! That picture of Maddy reminds me of that old picture of Shanna sprawled out on the floor asleep with her too-small tights (something about the angle/angel)


Anonymous said...

Looks like somebodies were having lots of fun! Now warm them up with some hot chocolate. 7 cups instant nonfat dry milk powder, 1 lb (about 3 3/4 cups) confectioners' (powd) sugar, 2 cups powdered nondairy creamer, 2 cups mini marshmallows, 1 cup mini cohocolate chips (In my opinion, the marshmallows and choc chips are optional) --Mom

Anonymous said...

Thanks Mom.

Anonymous said...

Is there supposed to be cocoa in it too? Otherwise those choc chips would be nothing short of imperative


Anonymous said...

I just wanted to see if you were paying attention. (That's my story and I'm stickin' to it.) Now, if you want your cocoa mix to actually taste somewhat like chocolate, sift in 2 cups of unsweetened cocoa powder.